
Top 5 Tips to Choose Your Best Obstetrician

Choosing the healthcare team to care for you and your unborn baby can be a daunting task. You want someone who you can trust with both mom & baby’s health. You also want someone who can answer your questions and help you make healthcare decisions that align with your values. Here are my top 5 tips when it comes to choosing the best obstetric provider (OB) for you.

1. Use your current female health clinician

Who do you currently see for your women’s health needs? Maybe you go to an obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN). Or perhaps you see a family medicine physician who does obstetrics (FM-OB). If you already see a physician that you trust and enjoy working with, ask them if they can deliver your baby!

2. Ask family and friends who delivered their babies

If your current physician does not do obstetrics, ask your mom or sister or friend who delivered their baby! Make sure to ask what your family thought about their doctor’s bedside manner. And ask if the provider was able to explain your loved one’s medical care in a way they could understand. Getting a recommendation from someone you know personally is your next safest bet!

3. Call the labor and delivery unit at local hospitals and ask the nurses

Maybe you’ve recently moved to a new area. If you don’t know anyone with a local OB, call the hospital and ask to speak to the labor and delivery (L&D) department. L&D nurses work very closely with delivering physicians and are a great resource! Ask the nurse who they would be happy with delivering their own baby. Let them know if you prefer to see a provider who is less likely to push for labor interventions or cesarean sections.

4. Ask your physician team who they recommend

The physician community is pretty small. If your current healthcare team doesn’t do OB, ask them who they would recommend. Your doctors likely know local colleagues whose skills they can vouch for. They can also give recommendations based off their female patients’ feedback from prior referrals.

5. Look up reviews online

Clinic review websites can provide good information, but they are really hit or miss. Google your own provider’s reviews to test this out. One major problem is there is no real way to verify if the “reviewers” are even patients at the clinic! There are often stars or numbered scores with no explanation of what they mean. But if you are struggling to get recommendations from people you know, this is a reasonable tool to use.

One thing to keep in mind is you may not want to see a physician at all for your pregnancy care! If you are a healthy female with a low risk of complications, you may be a good candidate to see a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) for your pregnancy journey. Many OB physician practices have CNMs on staff who handle uncomplicated prenatal care and births. Being in a dual OB-CNM practice allows for safer transitions of care for women who develop complications during pregnancy and need added interventions. Every woman has different goals and values that affect her healthcare decisions. Hopefully these tips help you to find the best OB provider for you!


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